Attack/defend Fast break ballscreens
| 1 Secondary-break ballscreens, e.g. see the Versoix fast break.
a) 2 on 2
Coach passes to 4, who passes to 3 and follows to pick and roll or pop.
Without a coach, 4 starts with the ball and passes to 3.
Work both sides. |
| 2 Quick
Coach passes to 2, 4 ballscreens.
Without coach, 2 dribble enters the wing from the slot (dribble-push), then 4 ballscreens. |
| 3 Shake
1 passes to coach, gets a return pass, 4 ballscreens.
- 4 circles under to set a drag screen below the arc - without passing to coach (or without a coach), 1 puts up his fist to call for the pick and roll (e.g., 4 is denied), or 4 can ballscreen on his own (e.g., his man is sagging in the lane). |
| 4 Dive
Coach dribbles across the top (4 is denied and backcuts), passes to 2, 5 ballscreens.
Option - 5 is weakside to start. |
| 5 Spread fist (Suns)
No coach. 5 sprints pick and roll for 1 (he can set the screen on any angle, e.g. a flat or step-up screen). |
| 6 b) 3 on 3
4 screens for 5, who ballscreens for 1 and rolls, 4 replaces opposite the ballhandler.
Option - 5 screens for 4 on the roll (Jeff Van Gundy). |
| 7 Shake-Suns combinations
4 and 5 ballscreen for 1 on the same angle (a staggered ballscreen) or on different angles, optionally 5 always rolls, 4 pops. |