Attack/defend 3 on 3 UCLA-ballscreen
| 1 Ian MacKinnon
3 on 3 with three or more teams, make-it take-it against new defenders coming in from the baseline, keep score.
See Attack/defend - 3 on 3 back-down-UCLA screens, Mike Procopio 3 on 3.
a) Right wing
1 passes to 2 (allow the pass) and UCLA cuts using 5, who then ballscreens for 2. X1 jumps to the ball and goes ballside of the screen (1 can bump and fade), X5 can triangle ballside, leaving a gap for X1 to go through (between X5 and 5), or X5 can squeeze the screen (shown), which puts him in good position to hedge on the ballscreen by 5. |
| 2 1 keeps going to the weakside corner, 5 picks and rolls, X1 stays ballside to help on the roll.
X2 is forcing 2 to his left (middle), X5 and X2 defend the ballscreen by shocking, X2 makes 2 use the screen then goes over the screener and under X5, who then recovers to 5. |
| 3If 2 passes to 5 on the roll and X1 takes 5, then X5 has leftovers, open attacker 1. |
| 4 b) Left wing
1 passes to 2 and UCLA cuts, 5 ballscreens. |
| 5 X2 is forcing left (baseline), so X2 and X5 defend the ballscreen by locking, X2 does not let use 2 use the screen, X5 helps baseline. |
| 6 X5 recovers if 2 passes to 5 popping out. |
| 7 Progression - 5 on 5, run UCLA-ballscreen on a wing-entry pass to either side. |