| 1 Mario Blasone coaching.fibaeurope.com
3 passes to 1, cuts for a hand-off, takes a couple of dribbles and shoots a bank shot. 1 rebounds and goes to other line with the ball, 3 replaces 1. 4 and 2 do the same on the other side. Emphasize 10-fingers rule for anyone receiving a pass and a 180-degree pivot to execute a good pass.
- 1 defends 3 after the hand-off, boxes out - go one-on-one, two-dribble limit (fan baseline, funnel middle, or play straight up) - 3-point shots - dribble to the baseline for a shot - dribble to the baseline, reverse spin into a fadeaway - the shooter cuts to the baseline for a pass and shot - 3 gets a ball from 2, 4 gets a ball from 1. |