Pressing 2-2-1 Brendan Mann

| 1 |

| 2 1 takes two dribbles, X1 keeps him to the side, X2 moves back.
1 throws it back to 4, X2 hip turns and sprints to close out, gets on 4's hip, X1 gets to the split line, short middle.
Don't come out of stance. |

| 3 4 takes two dribbles and passes to 1, X1 closes out, X2 takes away short middle.
Advance to the halfcourt line then start over.
See Pressing - UConn 2 on 2. |

| 4 b) 4 on 4
Add the second line, X3 and X4 start narrow, play cat and mouse.

| 5 No down the line pass to 2.
1 takes two dribbles, passes to 4, X3 takes away long middle. |

| 6 4 takes three dribbles, X4 and X2 trap (frontcourt or backcourt).
X1 and X3 communicate "short middle" and "long middle". |

| 7 4 passes down the line to 3, X4 turns over his outside shoulder and follows the pass, X3-X1-X2 sprint back.
See Pressing - UConn 2 on 4. |

| 8 c) 5 on 5
X1 passes to 1, repeat the 4-on-4 sequence, third-line defender X5 follows the line of the ball, will close out on a pass to 3 then trap with X4 (see 2-2-1 Brendan Mann).
Progression - live on the pass to 1.
See Pressing - UConn 5 on 5. |