Layups Argentina warmup

| 1 Terry Layton 2018 NCCP Super Clinic
Also see YouTube video - Argentine drill.
Around-the-world warmup, groups of four players.
1 outlets to 2, gets a return pass, repeats with 3 and 4, takes a layup at the far basket.
After passing, 2 sprints to the diagonal oulet, 3 changes sides, 4 goes diagonal. |

| 2 1 rebounds, repeat the passing sequence coming back, 3-2-4 trail behind 1, who lays the ball off the right side of the backboard instead of making another layup.
The next group starts about when 3 passes to 1. |

| 3 3 tips the ball off the backboard to 2, who tips it to 4, who tips it in the basket to finish.
Variation - each player takes a layup.
1-2-3-4 find new spots for their next round trip (e.g. rotate one spot).
Switch sides, progression - all bounce passes.
See Layups - A-B-C-D. |