Horns Flex

| 1 Out of a horns set, the point guard passes to 4 or 5 then cuts weakside or strongside to set a flex (or other) screen.
1) Toronto Raptors
See YouTube video - Raptors Horns Flex Uphill DHO.
1 passes to 4 and cuts outside 5 to the strongside, screening for 2.
Variation - 1 slips the screen for 2 (crossing action).

| 2 4 passes to 5, 2 flex cuts, 4 downscreens for 1 (or just turns to screen), 1 gets a dribble hand-off from 5.
1 can fade the downscreen for a pass from 5.
See Horns 45 Argentina flex, also Zagreb, Roma, Offence - Russia.

| 3 b)
1 passes and cuts weakside to screen for 3, who uses the screen, 1 uses 5's downscreen, 4 makes a dribble hand-off to 1.
See YouTube video - Horns flex.

| 4 2) OKC
1 cuts strongside, 3 flex cuts, 5 keeps the ball, makes a dribble-handoff to 1, 4 downscreens for 2 on the weakside.
LA Clippers - 5 passes to 1 and follows to ballscreen.
See YouTube videos - Horns flex, Clippers Horns flex.

| 5 |

| 6 a)
1 passes and cuts weakside to screen for 3, 5 downscreens for 1, who looks for 5 posting if 4 passes to 1.
Coach Nick - variation - 1 backscreens for 5 then pops out.
See YouTube video - How 2012-13 NBA teams use Horns.

| 7 3 can use 5's downscreen, then 1 uses it too.

| 8 b)
1 passes and cuts strongside, 2 flex cuts then screens for 3, who can reject it and cut up.
4 keeps the ball, so 5 can downscreen, shown.

| 9 c) Elevator
1 screens for 2 then pops out for a pass, 4 and 5 elevator screen for 3 (Klay Thompson).
Coach Nick - 1 passes to 5, 2 curls 1's screen.
See YouTube video - How NBA teams runs Horns. |

| 10 d) Stagger screen
1 and 4 stagger screen.
Coach Nick - 1 cuts outside 4 to set the first screen.
See Horns - 45 Cantu, Offence - Rhondorf 1-4.