Fast breaks Tom Crean

| 1 Tom Crean
The first big runs for a layup straight down the floor, or can veer out then in. If he doesn't get the ball he doesn't stop and post, he goes to the alley (low beside the lane) away from the ball. He always wants to be diagonally away from the ball.
The wings run wide for layups but if it's not there go right to the corners. If they are both in the same lane the first guy runs through.
On a pass ahead, if the trailer is not a shooter, he gets away from the ball unless there is a called play, or becomes a random ballscreener.
The best thing the fast break gives is space. Before the midline, the point guard is thinking pass ahead (be able to get it back), the wings are not in the corners yet. If the point guard pushes the ball they want him to drive into the lane for a pullup, layup, drop off, or kick-out - don't stop in front. Use the alley. |

| Drag
They love random ballscreens by the trailer, the point guard changes direction to run into a screen, the trailer changes direction to get to the screen.

| Quick
1 passes ahead and cuts, the trailer ballscreens, 5 goes to (or is on) the other side.
It's a shake (automatic quick) if 1 cuts to the ballside corner (shown).

| 4 The best thing that can happen is to get the ball in the corner so it can be driven middle, then space away and get some movement.

| 5 1 should attack the elbow on a return pass from 3, 5 gets diagonally away from the ball.
Run weakside to rebound as a shot goes up.

| 6 Pitch
1 passes ahead to 3 and follows to get a hand-back, then 3 pops out.

| 7 5 ballscreens, 4 dives.

| 8 Thru
1 passes to 2 and cuts to the weakside block. 3 L-cuts to get open at the top, 4 downscreens for 1. 5 gets ballside.

| 9 2 passes to 3, 1 cuts up using 4, who then clears to the corner. 5 ballscreens on a pass to 1.
See Emir Mutapcic, Spurs 2007.

| 10 Thru Screen
1 passes to 2 and cuts to the middle of the lane.

| 11 2 passes to 3 and double screens with 5 for 1. If 1 uses the double screen, 2 keeps going to the other wing using 4 (who is at the second block of the US lane).

| 12 If 1 uses 4, 2 follows, also using 4.