Defending Celtics jump to the ball

| 1 Brad Stevens Winning with undersized teams (pdf)
X1 closes out on a pass from the wing to the top, then jumps to the ball when 1 swings the ball and basket cuts.
(Stevens says there is a line of defenders under the rim, I like this rotation better since there is always a player at the top for ball reversal after the basket cut) |

| 2 X1 fronts 1 in the post then moves on-the-line, up-the-line when the ball is passed back up top.
See Defending - 4 on 1 post (to prevent a reverse-pivot seal, front pivot on the top foot). |

| 3 X1 moves to a help position on ball reversal then arm bars 1's cut to the ballside post, and moves to a front.
- 3/4 in the post - live 1 on 1. |

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