Defending 3 on 3 screens

| 1 FIBA Assist, issue 2
O1 passes to O2 and sets a ballscreen. O2 dribbles over the screen to the middle, exchanging with O1. X2 and X1 defend the ballscreen by switching or trapping. Play 3 on 3.
Rotate attackers to defenders then off.
Option - use other ways to defend the ballscreen, e.g., squeeze, slide through, push baseline.

| 2 Variation - O2 passes to O3 and ballscreens, O3 dribbles to the middle, and will then pass to 1 and ballscreen. After a ballscreen has been set for all three attackers, play 3 on 3 to a stop or score.

| 3 Off-ball screens
O1 passes to O2 then screens away for O3, who cuts over the screen to the middle to exchange positions. X3 and X1 defend the screen, e.g., with a hard hedge and over, soft hedge and through, squeeze, switch.
2 will pass to 3, who passes to 1 and screens away for 2, etc. After each attacker has received an off-ball screen, play 3 on 3 to a stop or score.

| 4 Variations - O1 passes to O2 and downscreens for O3, or gets a backscreen from O3.