Defence Ballscreen coverage

| 1 These diagrams illustrate options to defend ballscreens as described in the Defence Skills Checklist > Ballscreen Coverage (with YouTube links). Also see Blog posts - Ballscreen Coverage.
The coverage progression is from passive to aggressive, starting with options for 2-on-2 coverage that avoid rotations (see Matt Woodley), and force the ball into the screen. The screen defender calls the coverage.
1) Gap 2) Switch |

| 1) Gap
X1 forces 1 into the screen, then goes under the screen and over X4, who leaves a gap.
X1 meets the ball on the other side, X4 helps for at least one dribble. |

| 2) Switch
X1 goes under the screen to switch, X4 has options.
To contain dribble penetration, X4 and X1 come together under the screen (touch to switch).
Matt Woodley - X1 and X4 switch to touch under the screen.
Jim Huber - X4 is at the level of the screen, force 1 out wide, don't let him turn the corner.
Greg Kampe - X4 connects with 4 so he can't get split, steps out and takes the ball a step above the screen, don't let 1 come off and take a jump shot. X4 has his belly to the far baseline, it's not a hard shock.

| 4 b)
For a more aggressive switch, X4 shows on the same angle as the screen (jump switch). |

| 3) Squeeze (Jam)
X4 jams up into the screener, X1 goes under both, recovers to X1.
Can be used if 4 is a pick and pop shooter.
Kyle Gilreath - it is easiest to jam a screen when the screener is stationary, not sprinting into the pick.
Chantal Vallee - if 4 is a good shooter, switch or jam, he will be open if you hedge.
Alvin Gentry - squeeze is a great way to defend a middle ballscreen, otherwise the screener can move down.

| 4) Drop (Soft)
X5 zones up below the screen, contains the ball and keeps screener 5 in front of him.
X1 chases over the top (or goes under), tries to recover to the ball or at least contest from behind.
Drop-and-under is exaggerated gap coverage. X5 will zone higher if 5 is a pick and pop shooter. If X1 gets beat, he and X5 may have to switch late. Another option is a peel switch, X4 takes the ball, X1 runs through to take 4. This could be a planned tactic if 1 is a great player.  |

| 5) Weak
Force left (but not give left) into drop coverage. X1 denies access to the screen, X5 helps to contain the ball.

| 6) Ice (Force Down)
On a sidescreen, refuse access, force the ball down into drop coverage, X5 helps contain the ball (with a corner filled, X3 can also help).
Dave Smart - they weak everything on this side of the floor (ice). Ice options - Blitz (X1 and X5 trap) - Switch or Veer (e.g. if X1 gets beat, or a shooter picks and pops). Avery Johnson - sidescreen and close-out defence should be consistent. If the close-out is high-side, forcing baseline, then force the pick and roll baseline (trap and rotate to leave the furthest attacker open). |

| 9 Also ice if 5 readjusts the screen, X1 goes over or under a step-up screen.
X5 recovers if 5 pops for a pass, or X4 stunts then X5 recovers, or can X4 take 5 if he is a shooter.

| 7) Feather (Soft Hedge)
X4 gets to the level of the screen, soft (flat) hedges laterally (staying attached), X1 goes over the screen and X4.

| 8) Show and Recover
X4 shows on the same angle as the screen but stays attached, re-directs 1 then recovers to 4.

| 12 X1 goes over the screen and X4. |

| 9) Show and Under
X4 shows and recovers, X1 goes under the screen and X4 to meet 1 on the other side. Roy Williams - the Tar Heels show and go over, show and go under, or trap.  |

| 10) Shock (High-Low)
X4 shocks high to redirect 1 (does not stay attached to 4), X1 goes over the screen and under X4 to stay with 1. Alvin Gentry - if not executed properly, X4 and X1 will run into each other.
Dave Smart - Shock and under - X1 goes under the screen (see Show and Under). They shock when going under (there's no split), show when going over.
Jeff Van Gundy - X1 can go over the screen or under it (the higher the screen, the worse the shooter). |

| 15 X4 recovers to 4 after X1 goes under. |

| 11) Trap
X1 and X4 trap, someone covers the screener (it could be X4).
Usually trap until a pass. Dave Smart - attack blitz (shoot gaps) or control blitz (make him pass).  |